This card used by UR-Staff(Teachers, administrative staff and project staff)
This card used by UR-Staff-Depandents of (Teachers, administrative staff and project staff)
This card used by UR-Undergraduate-Students only e.i (not their depandents)
This card used by UR-Postgraduate-Students only e.i (not their depandents)
This card used by all UR-Students temporaly while waiting for their smart insurance cards by only them e.i (not their depandents)
This card is given to all UR-Staff or their depandents temporaly while waiting for their smart insurance cards
Befor Requesting for any approval just find your status Using your UR-affiliation number.
Request your approval MIS/UR-SystemNo | First Name | Other Names | UR-Number | Ages | Status |
University of Rwanda, Remera Campus, Kigali, Rwanda. P.O Box 536 KIgali